Escape game Dazzling Diamond Treasure[Closed]

Company: Dare2Escape


AECS Layout - A Block, AECS Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560037 ()

+919916596600, 080 4853 8553

Plot #300, 1st Floor, Above Cloud 9,

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You – A renowned detective of town
Suspect – Mr.Zen the popular business man of the place for an illegal abduction of diamond treasure.
Though Mr.Zen is a suspect, there is no evidence against him.
In hope of finding the treasure you along with your team break into his personal area,.
His place is triggered by a time bomb ready to explode in 60 minutes..
CAN YOU ESCAPE??. There are clues about treasure and escape..
As Mr.Zen is absent minded and has kept these clues for his precaution..

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