Escape game Bank Job[Closed]

Company: Breakout Escape Games


#27, NMR Building, 100 Feet Road, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560047 ()

+91 95353 05656

1st floor, Intermediate Ring Road, opposite to HDFC Bank.

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Royal Bank of Rajasthan (RBR) is India’s premier banking institution and boasts of a very high profile clientele. Some of the richest people in the country trust their security protocols to bank with them. Several antique gold bars belonging to the Rajput dynasty were recently moved to the Iron Clad Safe of RBR headquarter in Jaipur. There have been several bids for these bars at exorbitant prices in the dark web. Anyone, who can lay their hands on these gold bars will become rich beyond their imagination.

But, here is the catch – the Jaipur branch is said to have world class security and is deemed unbreachable by many security experts around the world. However, as per a recent tip, only one guard is present for a 60 minute window during the shift change starting at 23:00 hrs. In return for a share of the bounty, the guard has decided to let you enter the bank. But that is where his job ends and it is up to you to break in the safe and escape safely.

Do you have the guts and the brain to pull of this perfect heist of a lifetime?

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