Escape game Kidnapped[Closed]

Company: Breakout Escape Games

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#27, NMR Building, 100 Feet Road, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560047 ()

+91 95353 05656

1st floor, Intermediate Ring Road, opposite to HDFC Bank.

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In the last few months, Chandigarh has been hit with several kidnappings by a professional gang. Upon receiving the ransom, the kidnappers do not always maintain their end of the bargain in releasing their victims and the cops get to know about this after it is too late.

Following the recent kidnap of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph have decided to involve the cops (you and your team) fearing if their child will return safely. The abductors realize your involvement to rescue the child and apprehend them. You figure out the location of the hideout and as soon as you enter, the kidnappers trigger a time bomb that will destroy the hideout in 60 minutes. Unknowingly, you walked into a trap and the lives of your team and the kid is in your hands.

Time is ticking… this could very well be your last minutes of your life, can you calm your nerves and get your act together to escape out alive with the child?

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