Escape game Egyptian King's Chamber

Company: Rare Escape

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

1 review


1st floor, Mathuradas Mill Compound, DB house, Unit. - 4, Lower Parel West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013 ()


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Located in front of Todi Anti Social, Lower Parel West, The Rare Escape is the number one Escape Game center in Mumbai, with one continuous storyline and 3 separate experiences/chapters to choose from. We offer an immersive experience where you will be locked in a room. The game caters to ages 9+ years and is a suitable entertainment option for a birthday party, corporate team activity, or even a fun weekend outing. This fun activity tests your observation, detective skills, ability to keep calm under pressure, and team skills through a set of unique and challenging tasks. You will then have a set amount of time to find your way out using the hidden clues, keys, trap doors, and items within the space. Can You Escape This Rare Escape?

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